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17th September 2020


That’s Life! magazine (Australia) latest issue. We share out story as part of


that’s life! magazine and the Australian Governments initiative to support families on how to talk to kids about domestic abuse. I can not tell you how many times we have heard from someone who has heard out story and it has helped them make the decision to leave their abusive relationship. It is incredibly humbling, I cry buckets, but I take no credit for their enormous bravery to make that decision to escape violence and abuse. They read or heard our story or someone else’s story on the right day, the day when they were ready to say, ENOUGH, NO MORE!! We have seen the power of sharing stories, of letting others know that life can go on, that you can start again and rebuild your life. That it is vital that you get your children out into a safe and non violent environment, where there is no abuse, no matter what the challenges. I also know the absolute fear of wondering if you can do it on your own and raise your children by yourself. You can!! Solo parenting has been happening forever. The right thing is to save the children. Remember Hannah and her three babies. I did get out with one son with autism so severe they said to institutionalize him and another just a toddler, with no money and no home and so have thousands of others. We now have a life beyond anything we could have imagined. My sons are gentleman who would never abuse another. We have broken the cycle. It will be the hardest thing you do but also the best. Do it for your children. Help is available, read this article, contact the hotline, ask for help if you need to, from friends from anyone, don’t be afraid to ask for help.. People want to help. People care about you and your children. Share this article with someone who needs help, let’s stop this evil. For more information or just talk to someone and ask for help, please, do it for the kids!!